Hi, I'm Rasha.

I like to make things more nimble, efficient, and secure. As a product and operations strategist, I help companies run better.

// What I do //

I create bespoke digital solutions that help ambitious entrepreneurs, SMBs, and early-stage startups break free from operational inefficiency. They crave growth but are stifled by off-the-shelf tools they've outgrown and the burden of low-value, manual drudgery, limiting their mindspace for strategic innovation.To drive this transformation, I design and automate adaptable business processes, streamline workflows, enhance data management and accessibility. I also develop tools – database-powered mobile/web apps, internal applications, or CRMs – to enhance efficiency, cut costs, and enable scalability.I frequently turn to no/low-code platforms and API integrations to expedite development, prioritizing efficient design and user-friendly experiences over complex automation.As products gain traction, I concentrate on refining features that enable data-driven decision-making, enhance operational and financial visibility, and bolster overall growth potential.Besides operational improvements, I engage directly with external customers, unearthing pain points and use cases to guide development of valuable products. When strategic, I help de-risk new business areas and identify potential partnerships and new product ventures.With a keen interest in digital privacy and security, I'm directing some of my efforts to contribute to this field. I'm exploring privacy and security practices in emerging platforms, studying notable examples of privacy-by-design applications in software development, and advocating for increased consumer control over their data.

// What I care about //

Intrigued by concepts, practices, and technologies that enhance daily life by expanding opportunity, agency, curiosity, and creativity.Across various fronts, I'm into:- DIY/open-source projects, local-first software, local AI models, beta testing new software, API & web development, user-friendly cybersecurity & OpSec.- Woodworking, sustainable design-build practices, local food systems.- Travel, savoring nature's wonders, embracing a more simplified lifestyle.I also have a particular fondness for meals cooked over an open fire.

// Personal Projects //

- Mobile-first direct marketing tool, and multi-vendor seafood marketplace — a project that spun out of efforts to support small-scale harvesters whose businesses, distribution networks, and communities remain impacted by the pandemic. (see: fish & chains) [In progress]- Relocation “OS” — an amalgamation of various systems and wikis I pieced together over the past few years to automate away some aspects of long-distance moves. [Interviews]- Woodworking - how to manifest more time/space for it while reminiscing about my days at the CFC.

// Fish & Chains //

I think and sometimes write about seafood. The people, industry, dynamics, and emerging tech making it safer and less ethically fraught. About local, sustainable seafood systems. And ways to amplify consumers’ voices and assert their stake in how we tackle challenges affecting local and global supply.In trying to understand why it’s difficult to track and trace the origin of our fish and shellfish with reasonable confidence, I became smitten with supply chains, small-scale fisheries, and seafood tech. Down the rabbit hole, I went.My focus eventually landed on community- and restaurant-supported fisheries. Soon after, Covid-19 cast a brighter light on existing challenges while giving me a chance to engage with them meaningfully.

✌🏼 Want to talk about any of these things? DM or email me.I like meeting new people and always happy to help.